Thursday, November 5, 2009

Dipping overnight temperatures

If you have any tender plants (annuals) that you are bringing in for the winter, this is a good week to do it. Our Atlanta temps are dipping into the upper 30s. Plants need time to reacclimate to the new environment, so it's best to give them some time outside during the day as well - if you can.
Why bother? For me, I have several favorite coleus plants with colors and patterns that have been hard to find in the past. Keeping a few sprouts growing over the winter allows me to start spring with 'new' plants in all my favorite designs!
Snip a strong stem with many leaves, and strip the bottom leaves off (3 nodes is good to have). Place in water and allow to root. Or place in a loose peat/soil mix and keep moist. Place in a sunny window. New roots will begin growing from the nodes.
Getting a jump on Spring,

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