Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Clear with a High Probability of Sunshine!

It is nice to have a few consecutive days of sun and dry weather to dry out a bit from the recent rains.
No one knows if we will have dry weather or wet weather for an extended period of time. What we do know is if you have the right soil mixture, your plants will thrive in most typical weather conditions - wet or dry.
Did you know, improving your soil with organics will save you from using more pesticides. Healthier soil = healthier plants = fewer pests and diseases in the landscape. This is the step most homeowners skip and it costs them, from the lawn to the foundation shrubs.
I recommend (and use) a product called Complete Landscape Mix, or CLM for short. It has all the properties every healthy plant could ask for: organic fertlizer in the form of worm castings, river sand for superior drainage, and something I call popcorn granite. The granite is mined nearby in North Carolina. It is put through a kiln-type process, expanding and creating holes and crevices in the rock. The properties of the granite provide an environment for water and air to be held within the stone's holes and cracks. It truly is complete because the plants have everything the need, right at their roots.
Ask for CLM at your local nursery. Then use it for your containers, or on your next garden project.
See you in the garden,

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