Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Cobb Rain Barrel Clinic Cancelled

If you were planning to attend this event, my sources have just informed me that the clinic scheduled for April 23 has been cancelled. If you have a confirmed registration with the Cobb County Water System for the Rain Barrel Workshop, please call 770-528-1482.

 If you are interested in a rain water catchment system, drip irrigation, pond, mister, or outdoor lighting for your garden, call me. Georgia GardenScapes can install these for you!

Glad I have some spare water in my rain barrel this week...


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Chattahooche Technical College is #1!

The annual Student Career Days event was held this past weekend on the Chattahooche Tech campus, with the school just nudging out University of Idaho, Provo for the top spot. Over 70 schools from across the country participated in events from Woody Plant ID to Irrigation Troubleshooting, to Exterior Landscape Design. In over 20 separate events -- many with two or three team members -- students showed their competitive spirit, educational know-how, and talents for the experts to judge.

Team Stihl, Ahrens, Gravely, Brickman and Valley Crest -- among the biggest names in the business -- sponsored, interviewed, tested and judged the next generation of landscape professionals. Prizes and scholarships totaling over $50,000 were awarded.

Shown here (blue shirts, bent over) is the Landscape Install team in action. Headed by Jessica Logan (Superstar of the 2010 event with the most individual points) they took a number one place.

Yours truly was bested by many talented Landscape Architect seniors - but still was able to make contribution points for my winning schools total, including those earned in a new event, 3D Computer Landscape Design. I hope to really hone these skills over the next few months...stay tuned.

Congratulations to the team for all their hard work, the many volunteers that made it all possible, and the instructors, staff, and leadership of Chattahoochee Tech for their outstanding commitment to the participants!