Tuesday, June 22, 2010

First Day of Summer?

You wouldn't know it by the date -- it's been "summer" hot for a few weeks now!

Looking back over past posts and reminded that April was a good month to install a drip irrigation system. Lots of people are tired of the hose and ready to let the plants go and (hopefully) the weeds too.

The reality is, when there's ample water, everything grows...when there's not, it's usually just the weeds that survive. Guess what -- it doesn't have to be this way! If you choose the low-maintenance plants and cultivars, keep your beds well mulched, and treat for weeds BEFORE they get out of hand, you CAN have a lovely landscape -- even when it's hot and dry. A lot of it is in the timing of your activities, to maximize the return on the hours you invest in your yard.

For now, grab a cool drink and plot how you are going to win the water war. Here are couple of links, so called 'food for thought'...

Drip Irrigation - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSHimq_J33I&feature=related
Low Maintenance Plants - http://ggmp.uga.edu/
Grass Alternatives (jump right to the 2:36 time mark to get to the good stuff on this video) -

Looking for the shade,