Saturday, February 27, 2010

Hydrangea Pruning

This has been a popular question from friends and clients this week.

Hydrangea pruning falls into two main groups:

Group One: Mopheads (such as Endless Summer), Lacecaps, and Oakleaf
This group blooms on OLD WOOD. Pruning should take place in June or July, soon after spring bloom, so as not to lose next seasons' blooms. Remove dead blooms at any time, long stems before August, short stems after.

Group Two: H. arborescens (Annabelle-Large Leaf) and H. paniculata (Limelight, PeeGee types). Prune these any time EXCEPT spring for arborescens, summer for paniculata.

For a great reference sources and more details, see:

As with all plants, prune any dead stems when you discover them to keep your plant healthy!

Next week, I'll focus on new plants to consider this year. Happy pruning!


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Spring Daydreaming

I would rather

daydream of a warm spring day,

watching birds from a porch ledge in the mountains,

breathing in the sweet air,

feeling like a bud pushing through the bark

to emerge from its winter hiding

and become something new.

Warmer days ARE coming!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Comments on this Blog site

Great Wednesday to you all!

Hope you enjoyed the hint of Spring we had this past weekend. Judging from the response I received, seems a lot of you visited your local Home Depot with your used paint cans -- thank you!!!

If you tried to make a comment before, you were not able to unless you registered on the site. I realize a lot of people don't want to do that for various reasons, so it has been removed.

I look forward to reading your comments and including your questions with answers in future postings.

Watch for early spring frosts and add a little extra mulch for protection!
