Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Insects on your tomatoes

About a month ago, I posted a notice to watch for the tomato hornworm on your plants. They are very hard to spot as they match the leaf color so well.

 Yesterday a friend asked me how to get rid of them. Really, the best way is to pick them off (watch out for the horns!) and dispose of them in the trash. You can try BT (Bacillius thuringiensis) dust (Dipel), but it is not very ineffective, particularly if they are full grown. I only recommend this if you have many plants and a severe infestation. The other major tomato pest out there right now (my own personal enemy at the moment!) is a black and red creature known as a leaf-footed or squash bug. The best treatment advice is to vacuum them up (or bag 'em and trash 'em). I had taken my plants out to the driveway and sprayed them when I first found them congregating and they were small. Wish I had just bagged them then...they (or others) have found their way back to my plant and are sucking out the beautiful red color of my tomatoes.

I really don't recommend the chemical treatment for either of these really don't want the byproduct in your food, do you? Check them daily, be vigilant and accept a slightly less than perfect tomato that is probably still better tasting - and better for your health - than the one you can buy in the store. simple may be better.

Soon time to start a fall garden with leafy veggies. Also, select your favorite seeds for fall flowers among the zinnias, cleome, marigold and cosmos. Don't forget fall crocus bulbs as well.

More later,

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