Wednesday, August 11, 2010

ALERT! Armyworms in the Turf

Don't usually report this until late in August, early September, but lots of Armyworm sightings, especially in Bermuda grass this week. But don't think you are immune with Fescue or Zoysia.

 Generally, they do a little chewing and move on. But, if you have recently installed new sod or have new sprigs, they will be the first to be chewed up. The key is early identification, when they are still young...look for them early morning or very late in the day by pouring soapy water (1/2 oz dish soap per gallon water) over areas showing some skeletal leaves. If you find a population of young worms, you can still treat with a bio control like Bacillus thurengienses (Bt) product name Dipel. If they are advanced in size, you will need something stronger like Sevin.

 All the details are at this link:

 Good hunting! Lyn

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