Thursday, November 12, 2009

Watch for hitchhikers when bringing plants indoors!

I received a question on my Facebook account from a gardener bringing in her Mandevilla vine for overwintering. Great idea, as these are expensive tropicals that can survive indoors during winter to rebloom next summer, though they get a later start than the ones off the truck from Florida...

About those hitchhikers - the question was, "What are these tiny green creatures climbing up my plant in large numbers?"

Without a photo I had to guess at either the green stink bug or aphids. She believes it is aphids. Here is what I recommended:

To be sure, identify if they have the 'exhaust pipes' on their back end. Also, they will secrete a sticky substance you would feel on the leaves.  I would take it outside and shake/wash off as many as possible first. Then Spray with an insecticidal soap (many on the market with low or no pesticide content). Be sure to get UNDER the leaves as well.  Ants generally follow aphids (for the sticky stuff), so be sure there are none in the area where you move it to. A respraying may be necessary a few days later if you are still seeing them.

In the sunshine today,

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