Saturday, November 6, 2010

Frost protection measures

Here are ways to protect your tender plants from frost:

1) Water thoroughly before dusk. Watering provides insulation in the root system, when it dries it is displaced with air, which is also an insulator.
2) Cover before the sun goes down. Use the day's sun (and heat) by trapping it around your plant(s). A number of covering options exist:
   * Milk Jugs with the bottom cut off   * Old sheets draped over the top   * Create a teepee with sticks and wrap damp newspaper or towels around it.
3) Elevate your pots in a protected area. Frost is going to settle in the lowest places.
4) Paint your jugs or bottles black and fill with water. Place them around the plant and the heat they absorb during the day will translocate to keep the plant warm overnight.
5) Bring them inside! Obviously doesn't work for all plants...but I bring my Mandevilla in every winter to the garage and water it lightly once a week or so. Three years later it is still blooming for me in summer.

To get your plants Winter-hardy, stop fertilizing in September, and get your winter crops in by early October to establish a good root system early.

In the garden,

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