Thursday, September 30, 2010

Will there be a Fall?

It almost seems like we went from Summer to the middle of the Fall season with a quick correction of temperatures over the last few days.

The good news is, the weather is looking ideal for pansy planting. And just for you, Pike's is having an October Fest celebration tomorrow from 5pm-8pm. Here are the details:

I don't know if it is lucky timing or conscious fore thought, but who are the winner here! Get in for a beer and snack sample and save 20% off your purchase.

If you are looking for specialty plants, like Daphne, Edgeworthia or miniature evergreens, I've got a few excellent connections. Some of these are only available for a short time in limited supply, primarily in the fall, so call me soon!

Chillin' my spring bulbs,


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