Friday, August 6, 2010

Keep your roses blooming

August is the last month you should be applying fertilizer to your plants, so give them one last shot at blooms with an application this month of an organic such as fish emulsion. While you are at it, hit the container plants, too. I recently learned that is what they use at Butchart Gardens in Victoria, BC and they had the best looking containers I have ever seen! Be sure to water in well when first applied.

The other important ongoing chore for those of you with roses, is to keep the weeds and falling leaves out of the plant bed, and to deadhead the blooms. If you are having trouble with pests, try spraying with strong blast of water in early morning, followed by an insecticidal soap spray while the day is still young. (Never apply fertilizers or pesticides in the heat of the day.) If you need something stronger, try treating with Orthonex, which will work for both pests and fungus. I recommend using the organics first and if that doesn't work, move up to something stronger. Towards the end of the month, work in some Mills MagicTM to build up the soil quality before getting ready for fall and winter.

This is one of the beauties (Midas Touch, USA) from my recent trip to the northwest, where they have a lot of rain...a double edged sword with roses. Have a blooming great weekend! Lyn

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