Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Staying cool

I'll be staying cool this week in the Pacific Northwest. The heat will no doubt still be entrenched when I return.

When the temps start climbing above 90, it's time to pull out every weapon in your water-retention arsenal.
First, if you planted with well drained soil and organic amendments, you gave your plant the very best survival armor it could get. Weather conditions like these separate the strong from the weak. And some plants need babying. I am putting every potted plant I have, in or on the edge of, the shade. Other things you can do to help your potted plants include adding large saucers and make sure those are full, as well as watering the plant well first thing in the morning.

For inground plants, give them a good drink at least every other day. If you were smart enough to install a drip system, run it in the morning.  Add some extra mulch on the surface, particularly if yours has gotten thin over the summer. Plants also use their leaves for transpiration, and with high heat, can really use a misting. Consider doing this in the late daytime hours, between 6-and 8 pm.

I'm getting help to ensure my plants stay healthy while I am away, and these tips should help you with yours as well. I know it's hard to believe, but we will be planting pansies before you know it!

Butchart Gardens Bound,

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