Sunday, March 7, 2010

Can you believe this was just one week ago?


Hard to believe we had three inches of snow less than a week ago! Use these warm days to clean out your weeds, see what's coming up, and plan your new plants for the year. Top Trends this year include:

1. Grow-it-yourself (or GIY for short!). Start something from seed this year. Easiest seeds for first timers include zinnias and radishes.
2. Blended gardens - kinda like blended families, this includes adding fruits and veggies to your garden, right in there with the perennials and shrubs. Strawberries, blueberries, peppers and beans all mix up well with your 'regular' garden varieties.
3. Be a Locavore. No, that's not a new kind of dinosaur... it means to buy locally made supplies, use native plants, forego the cypress and peat (they come from far away and their harvest is hurting our environment). Make your own compost -- try a worm farm!

Later this week, more on seed starting, worm farming, and preventing insects in order to eliminate use of harmful chemicals. Meanwhile, I hear the rains are least it is staying above freezing!

Will the real Spring, please return to Atlanta, soon?!

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