Friday, February 5, 2010

Rainy days and Fridays....

Lots and lots of rain this Winter! The good news is the water table will be high, for awhile.

As you putter around the garage or shed (waiting for a MUCH better day to get into the yard work), think about what all this rain is doing for (to) your plants. The ground is loosening up for one. That can be beneficial. But there are signs I want you to look for that may need addressing:

1) Soil washing away from the base of your plant. If you have severe run-off in any areas, check that the upper roots are being exposed from repeated rain wash. If so, add some dirt, pack in lightly and remulch these areas.

2) Yellowing of leaves on evergreen plants. The repeated and mass volume of rain we have had has washed away loads of nutrients. Plants are suffering as a result. It will be doubly important that you add compost or fertilizer (preferably organic!) to your plants soon, so the roots can use this to boost the nutrients for production of Spring flowers and general growth.

The other good news is that February is typically our highest month of rainfall in the year. Drier days should be just around the corner!

From the indoors,

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