Monday, November 23, 2009

Leaves, leaves everywhere!

What to do with all those leaves? Don't just blow them away.  They are the main ingredient in a natural,  quality compost that will provide you with fantastic soil in the Spring!

All organic material eventually decompose; how quickly depends on the amount of moisture, air circulation, size of material and temperature. A warm, sunny location is best for speeding things along, but it works in shade, just much slower.

Here was my formula for filling a 4' wide by 2' deep and 20' long 'low dip' that I wanted to even up:
1) collect 6" of mulched leaves (go over them with your lawn mower) or just the whole leaf - definitely ok if they are dry.
2) add light sprinkling of water (use the shower setting, very briefly)
3) throw in your lawn clippings and one bag of soil
4) cover with leaves a few inches thick

Keep a pile of leaves and any lawn clippings collected in another area and repeat above one to two times over the winter as each layer decomposes. I was able to fill almost the entire area with 'created' soil between October and March. That's a lot of free, quality soil!

Cooking in the garden,

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