Friday, January 28, 2011

Electronics recycling - Sat., January 29

The Credit Union of Georgia is sponsoring an Electronics Recycling Day to be held at the KSU Center located at 3333 Busbee Drive, Kennesaw on Saturday, January 29th from 9am - 1pm. Bring your non-working or unused electronics to the KSU Branch of the Credit Union of Georgia and a truck will be located in the south parking area to accept your items. A $10 fee will apply for disposal of CRT TVs per TV. See attachment for more details or visit:

Friday, January 21, 2011

In the quiet time of winter

January is best left to Old Man Winter and dreams of summer bounty. It has been a tough winter thus far, and only time will tell which treasures survived our sub-freezing temps and which ones did not.

Most plants selected for our zone (7a/b across the metro area, north to south) are not extremely tolerant below 24ยบ. We've had a few dip lower this year. But, the good news is, most of those happened following a covering of snow, which acts like an insulator, unlike conditions outlined in my earlier comments this winter about the devastating effects of cold and wind combined.

January is a great time to force bulbs like paperwhites and hyacinth. They add a heady fragrance to the doldrums of winter. I have started an amaryllis (a little late, but hoping for success!) I'm posting a photo from the Conservatory at Centennial Park in Seattle (July2010) to keep you own experiment did not produce a flower, but a lot of new growth. My conclusion is I need more there is hope yet!

If we get a mild day (and we surely will!) in the next few weeks, go out and poke around, looking for signs of life and greenery. And be thinking of what you want to add to the garden this year. Something I've learned from the nursery business over the past few years - the best stock is available in March. If there is something specific you want, you need to be sure to get it before it is gone...

Stay Warm!

Recycling old electronics

Did Santa bring you a fancy new gadget or TV for Christmas? If you need to dispose of some other old electronics, here is your opportunity:

The Credit Union of Georgia is sponsoring an Electronics Recycling Day to be held at the KSU Center located at 3333 Busbee Drive, Kennesaw on Saturday, January 29th from 9am - 1pm.  Bring your non-working or unused electronics to the KSU Branch of the Credit Union of Georgia and a truck will be located in the south parking area to accept your items. A $10 fee will apply for disposal of CRT TVs per TV. Visit the website for more details...